Theory of Multiverse by Stiphen Hawking is not practically proven yet . James Webb Space Telescope ( JWST ) is trying to Proff This . This can give Astrophysics a new wings .
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Concept of Multiverse ।। Credit : Forbes |
JWST tries to Proof Hawking's Theory
The well-known Physicist and Cosmologist Stephen Hawking believed that - There is no existence of God . He stated — “ I belive in the simplest explanation that there is no existence of god ”. But now JWST can proff that Hawking was right . Some scientists believed that JWST will show us Alien Civilizations around us, about which Hawking once said .
In 2017 Noble-Won Physicist Mr. Kip Throne said — “ If we want to know the basics of our Universe, we should focus to the answers of Sir Isaac Newton and if we want to get a breakthrough about the Universal Research, we should focus to the questions of Stiphen Hawking ”. Hawking's research is supplying the fuel to the research of Astrophysics .
Information Paradox & Hawking Radiation
As example we can say that — At around 1970's scientists believed that Black-Hole just absorbed matter and energy of its surroundings . But it never emits anything . That means there is no radiation, so Black-Hole is cold . Then Hawking said that — If these scientists are right, then the laws of Quantum Physics are not valid . But the scientists said that the laws of Quantum Physics are mathematically proved and are 100% accurate . Then Hawking answered that — If the laws are alright, there is the mistake in the concept of Black-Hole . It is why because, according to the Laws of Quantum Physics, information of maater and energy can't be destroyed . But the concept of Black-Hole tells that Black-Hole is absorbing the Matter and Energy and then it destroys the information . This is known as “ Information Paradox ” . Then Hawking mathematically proved that Black-Hole emits some particals as Radiation . Later this radiation was named as “ Hawking Radiation ” .
After the mathematical proff, a lot of scientists supported Hawking, but some were totally disagree with him . But in 2019, when some images and reports were published about Black-Hole, there Black-Hole was described as — These are not silent dark or dead objects ; these are one those hottest and active objects of Universe, which continuously throwing warm-raditions to the outside . That means the Calculation of Hawking's before around 50 years has been proved practically in 2019 . It is the beauty of Astrophysics .
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Modern Technologies about Black-Hole
But by the proof of “ Hawking Radiation ” the Information Paradox can't be solved properly . Our modern technology can say us about the Mass (M) , Net Charge (Q) and about the Spin (L) of a Black-Hole . But we have no idea about the objects absorbed by the Black-Hole . There is no exact information about the distribution of mass in it . There it could be evenly distributed or it can form a structure like — Core , Mante and Crust . We just know about the overall Black-Hole but not in detail about the objects in it .
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Hawking's Theory of Multiverse ।। NASA/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY |
Dark-Matter = Black-Hole
We don't know when or how the “ Information Paradox ” can be resolved properly . But we reach to a closer point to resolve the Paradox by James Webb Space Telescope ( JWST ) . As we know that — JWST is capable to see the Infrared Light, which can travel a very long distance by overcoming Thick Nebula and other obstacles . That means JWST can easily study about the Hawking Radiation particles, coming outside from a Black-Hole of nearby Galaxy .
That means we can acess to the information, inside of a Black-Hole . Thus we can also determine if they are made of Dark-Matters . This is not too difficult concept . Hawking believed that — Dark Matters are nothing but Primordial Black-Holes, formed during Big-Bang . But there is some error in the Dark-Matter = Black-Hole concept .
Today we know when a super-massive star, made of ordinary matters collapsed by its own Gravity, creates a Black-Hole . There are only 5% ordinary matters in our Universe, while there are 27% Dark-Matters . That means Black-Hole, made of 5% ordinary matters creates 27% dark matters . Here is the big question — How can it possible ??
Hawking himself tried to answer this question . He noticed the logic behind it . According to Hawking — after Big-Bang , when matter was forming through energy by E=mC² ; during this at the Dark edges of Universe, where energy was too dense, formed some smal Black-Holes, due to the interchanging characteristic of Matter and Energy . Hawking named those as – Primordial Black-Holes .
Back-up Plan
But no one can proff it practically before Hawking's death . Now JWST have the capability to see 13.77 billion Light-Year Ago . That means we can easily find those Primordial Black-Holes during the Big-Bang, if Hawking's theory is correct .
But if these method flops, there is an another way . This way is more exciting, which is proving wheather God exists or not . We can get this answer to the Dark-Edges of Universe . By the help of JWST, we can verify Hawking's statement about the Creators of the Universe . Hawking had stated a lot of times that he don't believe that there is any creator of this Universe . He believed the very common question to the Cosmologist — “ What Happened Before the Big-Bang? ”, is incorrect itself . Because from that “ Bang ” everything has came-out and expanding till now and will expand forever . According to Hawking — time also included in it ; there was no existence of time before Big-Bang .
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Big-Bang ।। Credit : Wikipedia |
Now one-side, if we say that any creator made the Big-Bang and created this Universe and the very other-side according to Hawking — there was no existence of time before Big-Bang to exist those Creators . Then the only way to solve this mystery by practically demonstration of Reverse Trace-Back to the Big-Bang . To do this , only JWST can help us . NASA has the agenda to study about the merging event of galaxies and the basics of formation of a Early-Galaxy . Now with these data when we will start to explore the Dark-Edges of our Universe, then we will be able to understand more accurately that — Big-Bang was really happened or not .
Must Needed Precautions
But during this experiment we should follow some precautions like — if we send any radio signals to those directions where any Type-II civilizations are, then it might be more dangerous for us . Hawking once said — “ Type-II Civilizations can Kill Us ”. In 1964 Soviet Astronaut Nikolai Kardashev hypothesized that — “ There might be some more advanced civilizations, who can absorb the energy from nearby stars to fulfill their needs of Energy ”. Astronomer Kardashev named those civilizations as “ Type-II Civilizations ” . These civilizations may be able to cover a whole star by a mega-structure namely “ Dyson Sphere ” , to absorb its energy . From 2010 Hawking continuously warned us about those civilizations . On the launching day of “ Breakthrough Lesson Initiatives ” by Hawking himself, he told clearly that — for better understand this universe, we should analyse the Data coming from any Exo-Planet by the form of Electro-Magnetic Radiation . JWST can study these types of signals very efficiently . From these signals JWST can tell us about the Atmospheric Oxygen, Water Vapour, Methane and many more details of the planet . JWST can also recive the signal of heat, coming from the reflection of Dyson Sphere, by its Infrared Sensors . Thus JWST can found existence of those Type-II Civilizations .
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Hawking's Theory of Multiverse
But all we have to do in a very safely way . Because if those Type-II Civilizations really exists and if they want to control our Solar-System too, then it will be very dangerous for our Human Civilization . If they want to come to our Solar-System from their, they can also open various Space-Portals ; as a result Parallel Universes may start to merge with each other . It is based on the concept of Multiverse . Before his death on his last published paper in 2018 Hawking told about this concept . Our space probes can verify this , but not today . It is why JWST will work for next 10-15 years but its all goals are set . But by the help of other Space Missions we can verify it within 30-50 years . So, lets wait and watch .