James Webb Space Telescope Discovers Galaxy , That Defies The Laws of Physics .
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Hello friends , hope all of you are doing well . First of all say me , how old are Universe is ? You are know that the answer is 13.8 Billion years old . I think you also know that after 200-400 Million years of the Big-Bang first Star of our Universe was formed and after 1 billion years the first Galaxy . But do you know that one Galaxy was formed right after the Big-Bang ? When our first Star was forming , this Galaxy was formed . How can it be possible ? All of we know that there exists a Super-Massive Black-Hole , in the center of every Galaxy , which forms after the explosion of a Giant Star . Now the question is when there were no stars , how the Black-Hole formed ?
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In 7th April , 2022 some Astronomers of University of Tokyo found a galaxy which might be the oldest Galaxy of our universe , we have ever found . The Astronomers named it HD1 . According to the Scientists this Galaxy was formed around 13.5 Billion years ago , when our first Star was forming . Scientists were stranged by noticing that this Galaxy is too much brighter than the other Old-Galaxies . That means in this Galaxy Star formation is active and Stars are forming rapidly . In the StarBurst Galaxy stars are formed more than 103 times faster than the Normal Galaxies . Now you are thinking that all is perfect here , this Galaxy is following every rule of Physics . But still there is a cache . According to the Scientists the main reason behind the brightness of this HD1 Galaxy is its Active Galactic Nucleus , which is releasing too much energy .
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HD1 Galaxy |
Now this is clear to the scientist that only QUASAR can create and release such type of Huge Energy . Basically Quasar is a Super-Massive Black-Hole , around this gases and dusts revolves in a very high speed . As a result a huge amount of energy releases from the Quasar by the form of Electro-Magnetic Radiation , which is nothing but Light . But all of we know that — Such type of Super-Massive Black-Hole can only be formed when a Giant Star exploded as a Supernova . Now the same question arrives here – When the First Star of our Galaxy was forming from where such type of Giant Supernova came into the centre of this HD1 Galaxy ?
Well , Scientists are still researching about this Galaxy . But there is a Hypothesis , which can justify this mystery . According to this Hypothesis , we are wrong about the age of our Universe . Yes , you read it correct . Its may be , that our universe is too much old than 13.8 Billion years . Well this is just a Hypothesis . This will be compared against the Cosmic Inflation Theory , which predicts the real age of our Universe . So , now Friends write down your opinion about this Hypothesis in the comment box , while scientists are researching on it .
Now Friends , let me tell you that HD1 Galaxy is not the only Galaxy , which is creating such type of controversy . Scientists are facing serious problem with the same Galaxy where we lives , yes with our Milky-Way Galaxy .
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To start from the basics , just look into the pictures of various shapes of Galaxies below . Due to the fundamentals of Gravity , basically the shapes of Galaxies should be Elliptical or Spiral or Irregular .
Now look into this image . This is nothing but our very famous Cart-Wheel Galaxy . But this is not so simple Galaxy , because when JWST captured the image of this Galaxy , Scientists noticed that the outer region of this Galaxy is too much Bright . That means , here Star formation is active and Stars stars are forming rapidly . It was not the first image of this Galaxy . In 1941 , famous Swiss Astronomer Mr. Fritz Zwicky observe this Galaxy for the first time , by his Ground Telescope . And in 1995 the Hubble Space Telescope published the first image of this galaxy to the humans .
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This is an image of the Cartwheel Galaxy taken with the NASA/ESA (European Space Agency) Hubble Space Telescope. |
In this image by HST Cart-Wheel Galaxy was totally covered with dust . Now JWST can capture the Infrared Light very easily ; so to capture the clear image of this Galaxy , scientist used it .
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NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI and Webb ERO Production Team |
HST has clicked many images of various Galaxies . But why Scientists send JWST to capture the clear image of the specific Cart-Wheel Galaxy right after its launch ? What is special in this Galaxy ? The answer is — its structure . The structure of these Galaxy is too much complicated , which Mr. Zwicky had accepted after its discovery . This looks like a Giant Wheel of Cart . It was too much difficult to find out the reason behind such type of shape of this Galaxy in 1941 , because Astrophysics was not so developed then . But our Modern-Day Physics is explaining this at surface level . The researches behind the shape of this Galaxy says that the only reason of this shape is Collision . According to the Scientists Cart-Wheel Galaxy was a Spiral Galaxy like our Milky-Way . But around 300 Million years ago another Galaxy collided with it ; from then it had got such type of shape . Due to the collision a huge amount of Energy was released , which pushed the matters to the outer surface of this Galaxy . Thus Cart-Wheel Galaxy got the unique shape . But Now , after so long time , this Galaxy is trying to reshape again .
It is so interesting . Do you know what is more interesting ? It is to imagine a Galaxy without Dark-Matter . I know it's sounds like something illogical , but it is existing in reality . There is a Galaxy in our Universe without Dark-Matter . It is NGC1052-DF2 Galaxy . It is called as Ghost Galaxy . In this case Ghost is Dark-Matter , which we can't see but it ties up every Star-System and Elements of a Galaxy . In this NGC1052-DF2 Galaxy Scientists can't found any type of Dark-Matter . Now if there is no Dark-Matter , then there is no Proper Structure . The NGC1052-DF2 Galaxy is in such type of condition . There are Stars and Dust in it , but it has no Central-Puldge , Spiral-Arm or any Design . This is mindblowing to imagine how unique types of structures are predicted by our theories , and we can found them in our Universe . When Scientists where researching about this Galaxy they found the reason behind these Unstructured Galaxy is Collision . Around 400-500 Million years ago another Galaxy collided with it . Due to the Collision the visible matter remain present in it , but the Dark-Matter , which doesn't interect with the normal matter threw away from the Galaxy , leaving behind this Bone-Less Ghost-Galaxy .
So now finally we should move towards our own Milky-Way Galaxy , that defies the Laws of Physics . What we know that the shape of our Milky-Way Galaxy is Spiral . But it is not completely accurate . We have just made a conclusion by observing the shape of other Galaxies . We can remind that till 1920 , Astronomers believed that Milky-Way is our Universe . Then in 1924 Astronomer Edwin Hubble proved that Milky-Way is just a Galaxy of our universe where there is uncountable Galaxies . Now think about the images of interstellar space , which you have seen yet . If you notice it very carefully , you can found that every images are flat . It is why because in the space many objects revolves around a Massive object , so at the end they takes the shape of a disc . For example you can observe Pottery Making . Here you will notice that when we will put the clay at the centre of the wheel and starts to revolve the wheel , a centrifugal force starts to apply on the clay and the clay will change its shape continuously . The clay will become equal flat to every direction . So Scientists assume that the same thing is happening to our Milky-Way Galaxy . But we are slightly wrong over here . Our Milky-Way is not totally flat . But you can assume that it might be flat and curve as a Potato Chips . There are various type of reason behind it , like — Gravitational Interaction with other Galaxies , Rotational Speed of Galaxy , Orbiting of Stars around the Galactic Centre or maybe something related to Dark-Matter . But all of these are just prediction , we have not enough proof yet . Scientists are still working on it to find out the exact reason behind it .
So we can say that we have explode a very small part of this Giant Universe . How much knowledge we have today , has gained from this small part . And what we are saying Modern-Physics , is enough about the Earth and to live in it ; but if we compare it with the scale of Universe then it is nothing to say . But Scientific Theory and Scientists are trying their best to catch-up and cope-up with the existing and updating informations and observations .